Implementasi Injil Yohanes 7:53-8:11 pada Pelayanan Pastoral: Studi Hermeneutik di Gereja Kristen Sumatera Bagian Selatan Dayamurni
Kata Kunci:
hermeneutic, pastoral, services, GKSBS, pastors, councilors, hermeneutik, pelayanan pastoral, pendeta, majelisAbstrak
The church in carrying out its ministry in the world experiences many problems, one of which is pregnancy outside of marriage which often occurs at GKSBS Dayamurni. This issue certainly requires a particular form of pastoral care. Researchers want to contribute to the type of pastoral ministry by looking for the principles of Jesus' pastoral ministry in the Gospel of John 7: 53-8: 11 through hermeneutic studies. Research is conducted using qualitative methods. Data collection is done through direct observation and in-depth interviews. Analysis of the data used in the analysis of Miles and Huberman is done by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The subjects of the study were Pastors, Deacons, Elders, Councilors, and congregations at GKSBS Dayamurni. The results of the research show that the pastoral services at GKSBS Dayamurni sometimes do not understand the purpose of pastoral care so that they have not been so empathetic to the party that is pasteurized. This perspective is different from the attitude of Jesus in the Gospel of John 7: 53-8: 11. The results of the text analysis show the partiality of Jesus to the woman who was caught adultery which was stated by not being given punishment according to tradition at that time but asking him to repent.
Gereja dalam menjalankan tugas pelayanan di dunia mengalami banyak persoalan, salah satunya adalah kehamilan di luar pernikahan yang sering terjadi di GKSBS Dayamurni. Persoalan ini tentu membutuhkan bentuk pelayanan pastoral khusus. Peneliti hendak memberikan sumbasih bentuk pelayanan pastoral dengan mencari prinsip-prinsip pelayanan pastoral Yesus dalam Injil Yohanes 7:53-8:11 melalui studi hermeneutik Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi terus terang dan wawancara mendalam. Analisa data yang digunakan ialah analisa Miles dan Huberman dengan dilakuakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Subjek penelitian ialah Pendeta, Diaken, Penatua, manta Majelis, dan jemaat di GKSBS Dayamurni. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelayanan pastoral di GKSBS Dayamurni terkadang tidak begitu memahami tujuan pelayanan pastoral sehingga belum begitu berempati pada pihak yang dipastoralkan. Hal ini berbeda dengan sikap Yesus dalam Injil Yohanes 7:53-8:11. Hasil analisa teks justru menunjukkan keberpihakan Yesus kepada perempuan yang ketangkapan berzinah yang dinyatakan dengan tidak diberikan hukuman menurut tradisi pada waktu itu tetapi memintanya untuk bertobat.